Opening of the exhibition: Sota Sakuma - The Wandering Forest

5 September 2024 

Thursday 5 September 2024, 6 pm
Bold Gallery, U Měšt'anského pivovar 6a, Prague 7


We cordially invite you to the opening of the first exhibition of this autumn season. The evening will be attended by the artist Sota Sakuma and the exhibition curator Radek Wohlmuth.


You enter the wandering forest when you accidentally step over a wandering root. Among the trees, you then usually move in irregular wandering circles that have no beginning or end. It's not so much that you can't get back to the mapped out path of everyday life, as that you find yourself enjoying the aimless wandering through a mysterious forest where anything can happen. The Japanese painter, carver and dancer Sota Sakuma paints such places and carves creatures out of linden wood to inhabit them. Sometimes he also captures them in ink and acrylic on traditional Japanese washi paper. If the plants are mostly real, the inhabitants of his magical forest – be they characters or animals – are, on the contrary, a bit phantasmal, so that reality and fantasy are mixed in his paintings, which only proves that the line between them is not only very thin, but also permeable.


As usual, there will be a wine bar on site offering excellent Romanian wines.